Successful Two Days Working on the Green

We have had a very successful two days working on the Green and have laid nearly 25 tons of limestonechippings on a geotextile base and now almost all the footpaths have a good walking surface. At the moment the paths look very stark but we know from past experience that within a few months they will blend into the landscape once again.

The area at the top of the Butterfly meadow was extremely wet, almost certainly due to a new spring having arisen. Drains have been dug and pipe inserted in an attempt to divert the water away from the paths but it will be a week or so before we can gauge how successful this has been.

We would like to thank Andrew, Tony and Dan from Derek Mills and son for all the work they have put in and we are also very grateful to all the volunteers who helped – we would not have got nearly so much done without them.