Future Plans


In 2009 much work was carried out to improve the surfaces of the most walked sections of paths.

This was very successful and as a result, through the following years, footfall  increased dramatically resulting in other sections becoming worn and muddy.

Upgrading work has been carried out on two occasions since and will be continued at intervals as necessary. A reservoir of limestone chippings has been established on the site making it easier to repair small sections of path when needed.


The Butterfly Meadow

We plan to clear the brambles from the meadow on an annual basis to give the many wild flower seeds in the area better conditions for germination. In 2009 after brambles had been cleared from one section, within a few months 21 different species of wild flowers were growing there.


Red Squirrel Project

We have asked a local red squirrel expert, Helen Butler (www.wightsquirrels.co.uk) to look at the Green to advise us what steps we can take to improve the habitat for the red squirrels, which are known to live in the area. There are a lot of young oak trees on the Green, but  acorns do not provide adequate nutrition for red squirrels and they need trees and bushes, which provide seeds at different times of the year. We therefore plan to thin some of the oaks, with the agreement of the Forestry Commission, and plant hazel, field maple and wych elm amongst other things. These will take some years to mature but as always in the countryside, a long term view must be taken.


Our main long term plan of course is to continue to manage the Green so that it may be enjoyed by many future generations of wildlife and humans.