The Co-operative Community Fund awarded us a Small Grant

The Co-operative Community Fund has awarded us a small grant for which are very grateful. This money will be used to complete, as far as possible, the upgrading of the footpaths in the areas of the Green which still get very muddy in the winter. Work is planned to start in the Spring of 2011.

The Green Gym has paid us two visits this autumn and have worked hard clearing more brambles from the Butterfly meadow and also collecting wild flower seeds which they have spread on the grass near the main entrance in the hope that this section will become more colourful.

Earlier in the year they constructed some more steps on the path that leads from the large oak tree down to the stream. This will help to make this area more accessible.

A new spring appears to have arisen at the top of the Green near the East boundary and the water draining from it has caused a large boggy area. It is hoped to get a work party together to dig a drain and divert the water away from the paths.