Another summer has passed and work continues on the Green. The area around the entrance arch has been frequently strimmed to encourage grass growth and it is planned to continue cutting back nettles and mares tails to enlarge this section. Some of the trees near the five barred gate will also be removed in order to let in more light and a new footpath will be made to link the two entrances.
Wildflower seeds were planted near the entrance arch this year but were overwhelmed by other plants. We will try again once this area is clearer.
More glades are being created and bluebells have been planted on the southern borders of the sculpture stones. If these grow successfully, we will then try to colonise other areas.
Hazel trees have sprung up throughout the Green, presumably from nuts planted by squirrels over the past few years. Some of them are growing very near the footpaths, but are young enough to be transplanted and this will help our aim of creating a mixed woodland which squirrels need to thrive.
We were very pleased to receive a Green Flag Community Award for the second year running. We have taken note of the judge’s constructive comments and are trying to implement as many as possible.
We are also trying to enhance our links with local schools so that the young people develop a sense of ownership which will continue into adult life.
We would like to welcome Steve Simmonds who has helped the Trust over the last few years and has agreed to be a Trustee, bringing our complement back up to six again.
Website Help Needed
If you could help collect news articles and photos for the website on a semi-regular basis we would love to hear from you.