Play Lane Millennium Green Summer Update 2023

The Spring season has passed us by. It began after a dry February, with a very wet and cold March and April. These conditions delayed the early growth of the flora and tree buds, with catkins going into check until the last week of April.

A few weeks ago a high-pressure weather system settled itself over Iceland, which diverted the Jet Stream over Greenland. This caused a cold air stream to hit the UK and Western Europe with strong cold winds from the northeast, which had a drying effect on the land. However, as the sun has risen higher, the longer days and higher intensity of heat has resulted in every plant releasing its pent-up energy, which provided us with a wonderfully vibrant blossoming during May. As the blossom died away so the foliage finally burst forth. Walking through Millennium Green in the early days of June we can now witness a full and dense canopy on the oaks and remaining ash survivors, together with strong growth evident at the understorey level.

Our solitary common elm (Ulmus Procera) has also spread its developing canopy and has reached a height of approximately ten feet. The native hedgerow planting is looking robust and the open areas are quite splendid.

Many congratulations to the team of Trustees and volunteers for a really good winter programme of work!

Ian Jefferies
Guardian of PLMG