Great news for all of those who wish to donate and help maintain the Green! Play Lane Millenium Green has gone one extra step in making it easier for you,... read more →
Once again in 2017, the Green Gym members will be lending us a hand to keep the Green in good shape. Their visits are scheduled for: Wednesday 17th May Wednesday 23rd... read more →
We are delighted to once again have been awarded a Certificate of Excellence for 2016, by the judges of the South & South East in Bloom competition. Our thanks go to... read more →
The Green Gym paid us two more visits in 2016. After their very wet May vist, by contrast in August, temperatures were reaching 30 degrees and volunteers were glad to... read more →
We are delighted to announce that once again Play Lane Millennium Green has achieved Green Flag status in 2016. Many thanks go to the groups of people that help to... read more →
Over the past couple of months the Ryde MPCT students have paid several visits to the Green to assess the dipping platform and decide what materials were needed to provide... read more →
Last autumn we planted yellow rattle seeds throughout the Green as it is a semi-parasitic plant that weakens grasses and allows more wild flowers to grow. We are pleased to... read more →
Some hardy Green Gym volunteers braved the weather and worked hard to lay new sections of path between the beach and the pond which had become very muddy and worn... read more →
The Green Gym will be working at the Green on the following dates in 2016: Wednesday 18th May Wednesday 31st August Wednesday 2nd November